Safe connections Your specialist for Find out more Cable assembly Your specialist for Find out more Assembly production Your specialist for Find out more Electrical winding goods Your specialist for Find out more Textile ceramics Your specialist for Find out more Umspritzung Your specialist for Find out more Tunesien Manufacturing Unsere Standorte für die Deutschland

Technologies, key aspects & Competencies

Our production is equipped with modern machines, tools and devices.

Our product focus includes cable assembly, control modules and devices as well as electrical winding goods


Fields of application

In automation systems, building services (such as airports, administrative buildings, railroad engineering)

Fitting accuracy

Precisely tailored to applications - in terms of function, quality and cost.

Economical sustainability

Saves our customers costs and effort & offers customized functionality.

Corporate video

Get to know our company and our work.

In this video you get a short insight into our manufactured products and their production processes.

News und aktuelle Infos

A bird's eye view of WH Elektronik GmbH


High transparency of operational processes, high customer satisfaction, low error rate

DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Quality management
Show certificate

DIN EN ISO 50001:2018

Show certificate

DIN EN ISO 14001:2015

Environmental Management
Show certificate

DIN ISO 45001:2018

Occupational health and safety
Show certificate

WH Elektronik in numbers

The WH Elektronik & Wickeltechnik GmbH was founded in 1979 and has since been a market leader in the fields of cable assembly, component manufacturing, winding goods, and textile ceramics.

Convince yourself of our quality, accuracy of fit and sustainability. We look forward to your inquiry!

Years in business
Satisfied clients
0 +

Principles of our work



The satisfaction of our customers & partners is clearly our first priority.


Kunden & Partner

We have a strong culture of trust, respect and sustainability.


Kosten & Produktivität

We are a company of professionalism and efficiency.


Markt & Qualität

We belong to the best in the market and are leading in quality.

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